SOLVED: Re: (New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.

Bas Roufs basroufs at
Wed Nov 21 11:22:56 UTC 2007

Dear Everybody

Yesterday I submitted my question with respect to the update/ upgrade 
difficulties of Thunderbird in Kubuntu 7.10. From both the Ubuntu and 
Kubuntu mailing lists, an overwhelming response came in. Thank you very 

In fact, all the feed back contained to different tendencies.

One group of mails contained practical advises on how to install the 
newest version, Thunderbird in the home directory in order to be 
able to get the updates all the time.

A second group of mails reflected another approach. It explained why the 
updating of software like Thunderbird is being delayed deliberately in 
Linux distributions like Kubuntu and Ubuntu, in order to maintain a 
certain system stability.

Taking these two different tendencies into consideration, I did another 
attempt to solve the problem while choosing for this system stability 
approach - the main reason for me to transfer from Windows to Linux. 
This time I managed to install the dictionaries that are 'not 
compatible' with  Thunderbird the Spanish, German,  US 
English, Esperanto and Russian ones. In spite of the alleged 
'incompatibility' all the dictionaries work fine - probably because they 
are .xpi files, like the dictionaries that are still 'officially' 
compatible with Thunderbird two Dutch dictionaries, a British 
English one, the Italian, old German and French ones. However it may be, 
I am satisfied now and I simply wait for the updates to be delivered in 
the framework of the Kubuntu distribution.

I hope this short report is useful for others working with Thunderbird 
in more than one language.

Respectfully Yours,

Bas Roufs.

Bas G. Roufs M.A.
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT  Utrecht
E.:  BasRoufs at
M.: +31.6.446.835.10.
T.: +31.30.785.20.40.
Skype: BasRoufs
Google Talk: BasRoufs
Yahoo Messenger: Bas6Human

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