Laptop sleep gone bad in Gutsy

Avi Schwartz ubuntu-users874 at
Wed Nov 21 05:45:43 UTC 2007

Paul S wrote:
> Avi Schwartz said the following on 11/19/2007 07:29 PM:
>> I upgraded my Dell D820 yesterday from Feisty to Gutsy and since the 
>> upgrade, waking the laptop from a sleep is iffy at best.
>> With Feisty, waking the laptop from sleep was almost 100% reliable.  
>> With Gutsy, the chance of the laptop properly waking up is about 50%.  
>> Sometimes it wakes up and in other times it starts waking and then 
>> suddenly it powers down.  I can no longer trust putting the laptop to 
>> sleep which is a shame since it used to work so well.
>> Any ideas what should I look for?
> I have very similar experience, and I found that going to sleep by 
> hitting Alt-F2 and entering the command "sudo pmi action sleep" will 
> resume better than hitting the sleep button.  I do not understand why, 
> but it works better here (Dell E1505).
Keyboard induced sleep did not solve my problem.

Do you happen to use the "new" desktop effects?  I cannot prove it yet, 
but it seems that once I turned the effects off, the laptop wakes up 
from sleep as it should.  I will give it few more days to see if this is 
indeed the problem before I file a bug report.  If it is, then it maybe 
a problem with X Windows or the nvidia driver.


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