installing lingphone or any other voip phone working with linux

anthony baldwin anthony.baldwin01 at
Sat Nov 17 18:53:17 UTC 2007

Jonathan Kaye wrote:
> machu pichu wrote:
>> Hi,  First of all  THANKS in advance for the help.  Where I live people
>> I ask have not even heard of linux.  Please tell me if I am here at the
>> right address, if not, where do I go with my questions!
>> I am using ubuntu7.10  installed gutsy gibbon
>> With the previous operating system, the last one that came out !, I used
>> Voipstunt phone. I have been unable to get an answer from them, if they
>> serve ubuntu.
>> Now I found lingphone
>>        Which version do I need to download ?
>>        With what application do I open it ?
>>        How do I install it ?
>> May be you can  suggest another voip phone which is usable in Europe.
>> just phone will do, no video needed.
>> There are various applets
>>        Which one do I need ?
>>        How do I install them?
>> Thank you, regards
>> M
> Hi M,
> You might want to try twinklephone. It navigates NAT's very well and has
> excellent voice quality. You can find it here:
> Otherwise, sjphone is quite good.
> I never got good performance from Linphone but I haven't tried it recently 
> maybe it's better now.
> Cheers,
> Jonathan
ThereĀ“s also ekiga (formerly gnomemeeting)
And Asterisk
and sipX
and Kphone
and linphone
and skype does have a linux client,

ah, choices...
FOSS rocks!


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