No sound on virtual machine

Scott Abbey scott at
Sat Nov 17 15:11:42 UTC 2007

Rafael Barreto wrote:

> This mailing list is terrific, thank you to all that write in it. I
> installed virtualbox per mailing list instruction and I could install
> WinXP. Everything works perfect except sound, no sound device installed. I
> tried to use the motherboard's CD with the drivers to install a sound
> driver in Virtual Machine's winXP, it appears in Device Manager but
> doesn't work with virtual winXP. Does anybody know how to work around
> this? Thanks once more. Rafael

The sound device that VirtualBox creates for the virtual machine is not the
same as the one on your motherboard. It, like the rest of the virtual
environment, is emulated.

Have you installed the guest extensions in your WinXP VM? The extensions
contain all the Windows drivers for the hardware that VirtualBox emulates.
Also check your VM settings and make sure that: 1. you have a sound device
activated for the Windows VM; and, 2. that you have selected ALSA for the
sound driver (I think it defaults to Null Audio, ie no sound).

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