linux client for symantec antivirus

W.D.McKinney deem at
Thu Nov 15 18:48:11 UTC 2007

Yes, use clamav instead. Works great.


From: johanb [mailto:boeckx.johan at]
To: Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions [mailto:ubuntu-users at]
Sent: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 09:39:28 -0900
Subject: linux client for symantec antivirus

  I have symantec client for antivirus mr3, and am netwerk admin on 
  company, and they only let me put a linux client into the network , if I 
  update to the antivirus-database. So big problem. I tried with Fedora 8 
  but there he gave problems with the libraries. NOw i try with ubuntu.
  I followed  recommendations on ubuntu forum:
  1. created debs with alien from the rpm's
  2. changing path for awk
  3. creating the lock file
  When I run ./symcfgpop I receive :
  root at gandalf:/opt/Symantec/symantec_antivirus# ./symcfgpop symcfgpop: 
  Settings popoulation utility for Symantec AntiVirus
  Usage: symcfgpop <settings file to import>
  When I run ../symcfgdata.inf I receive :
  ./symcfgdata.inf: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `;'
  ./symcfgdata.inf: line 1: 
  ./sav manualscan -s /lib
  Error: Symantec configuration service unavailable
  Unable to open key \VirusProtect6
  Unable to determine status of scanning daemon
  *** This command may not function correctly or may be delayed
  Error: Symantec configuration service unavailable
  Unable to open registry key!
  Error: Symantec configuration service unavailable
  Unable to create key ScanAllDrives
  Error: Symantec configuration service unavailable
  Unable to write value to registry!
  Error: Symantec configuration service unavailable
  Unable to create key /lib
  Error: Symantec configuration service unavailable
  Unable to write value to registry!
  Error: Symantec configuration service unavailable
  Unable to create key StartManualScanNow
  Error: Symantec configuration service unavailable
  Unable to write StartManualScanNow value to registry!
  And when I do /opt/Symantec/symantec_antivirus/rtvscand
  failed to open PID file: No such file or directory
  When I open the gui, it says autoprotect : disabled , RTVScan : 
  disabled, Scan : unknown status.
  Anybody has ideas ?
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