desktop cleaning

Miano, Steven M. Steven.Miano at
Thu Nov 15 13:39:46 UTC 2007

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ubuntu-users-bounces at [mailto:ubuntu-users-
> bounces at] On Behalf Of Nils Kassube
> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 6:05 AM
> To: ubuntu-users at
> Subject: Re: desktop cleaning
> Shali 9846303531 wrote:
> > but where do i put my files name that r not
> > to be deleted
> OK, you want to preserve a set of files. In the script below you should
> replace the string <directory> with the directory name you want to clean.
> And you should replace the <space separated list of files> with the list
> of files you want to preserve - but don't delete the $dir at the end of
> the line.
> #!/bin/sh
> cd <directory>
> dir=$(mktemp -d -p /tmp)
> mv <space separated list of files> $dir
> rm -r ./*
> mv $dir/* .
> rmdir $dir
> Nils
> --
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Nice script Nils, that's actually exactly what I was thinking - so far as it may be easier for the original poster to note or let us know what the keep files are, and either copying them out of the desktop dir, or copying them from their original location; after removing all other files/icons from the desktop directory. Great contribution! : )


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