Command lines to create new ubuntu users?

John L Fjellstad john-ubuntu at
Wed Nov 14 03:19:48 UTC 2007

Charlie Zender <zender at> writes:

> Hi,
> How do I create fully Ubuntu user accounts with a traditional UNIX
> 'useradd' command? When I add new users via the Kubuntu
> system/users&groups menu-driven interface, the users have, by default,
> full access to the system hardware such as the sound interface.
> But new users whom I add with the command-line 'useradd' command,
> e.g.,
> sudo useradd -c 'User' -d /home/user -g group -m -u userid user
> do not have access to, e.g., the computer sound chip.
> For example, they cannot start the audio mixer kmix.
> I think there should be a command line equivalent to all GUI actions,
> so what command-line programs and switches (e.g., useradd) will create
> the same 'user priveleges' (sound devices, CD access, etc.) for new
> users as the menu-driven interface?.

There is.
The command is called adduser.
In /etc/adduser.conf, you can set which groups a new user is
automatically added to.  Check adduser.conf. By default a new user is
only added to their own usergroup, but changing ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS and
EXTRA_GROUPS let the administrator decide which additional groups the
new user should belong to.

John L. Fjellstad
web:          Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

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