/etc/network/interfaces changed in 7.10?

Alex Janssen alex at ourwoods.org
Tue Nov 13 02:46:38 UTC 2007

Jimmy Wu said the following on 11/12/2007 03:37 PM:
> Hi list,
> I just upgraded my system to Xubuntu 7.10 today.  Does anyone know 
> what they've done with /etc/network/interfaces? 
> Before (ie in 7.04), all of the interfaces were in there, including 
> eth0, my network card, and a few that didn't exist.  In my eth0 entry, 
> I had a line "pre-up iptables-restore < iptables.up.rules" to load my 
> iptables rules upon network start. 
> Now, the only entry in the interfaces file is lo, so I have no idea 
> what I should do to make my iptables rules load automatically now. 
> Would appreciate suggestions.  Thanks in advance,
> Jimmy
> -- 
> Registered Linux User #454138 
Mine's still there, but dated from back in June, before Gutsy.  I 
imagine it would be created if you did a manual config.  Network manager 
wants it to be empty, afaik.


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