How to filter search results in a google or yahoo searchengine result list

Bob Cortez rjcortez at
Mon Nov 12 20:01:31 UTC 2007

On Nov 11, 2007 4:44 PM, niel <bqz69 at> wrote:

> But what I am looking for is a program, which can filter big search
> results,
> lots of pages, AFTER the search has been done, let's say 79 pages of 100
> results on each result page, equals to some 7900 results (just as another
> example)?
> Niel

I think your  use of the term "filter" is confusing people.  If I understand
you correctly what you actually want is a better way to sort, view and
organize  a large number of results. Is that correct? If so, I have know
idea how to do that, but perhaps someone may have a suggestion with that

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