Unable to access or detect second harddrive

David Park bornskilled200 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 15:26:29 UTC 2007

Im sorry to be the bearer of bad news but that didnt work, but let me
give you guys some more info.

How the hell is my IDE drive not detected if the slave of the IDE drive is....

Also when booting up i saw something which said something like this
ATA1 too long to boot up

Do you guys think this might be the problem?

On Nov 12, 2007 4:53 AM, John Carlyle-Clarke <jpcc at bigfoot.com> wrote:
> David Park wrote:
> > Currently i have installed Ubuntu 7.10 GG and loving it . Now to be
> > serious, for some reason Ubuntu cannot detect my second harddrive at
> > all.... This harddrive is where i store all my media and backups. The
> > harddrive is ntfs.
> >
> I had a similar problem on upgrade to 7.10 which rendered my system
> unbootable until I found the cure.  My SATA drives were seen by the new
> kernel but my PATA drive was not recognised.
> To fix this, I had to add some extra kernel parameters.  It may be a
> different problem, but it's easy to try.  If this helps, I can tell you
> how to make this change permanent.
> When you see the GRUB menu, press "e" to edit the boot entry.   You
> should get a rudimentary editing environment.  Move to the right hand
> end of the line, which should be something like:
> /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root==UUID=<some long ID> ro quiet
> And add "ide1=noprobe ide2=noprobe" onto the end.  I also suggest
> removing quiet and adding "nosplash" so you get to see all the kernel
> message.  It should look something like so:-
> /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root==UUID=<some long ID> ro
> ide1=noprobe ide2=noprobe nosplash
> If I remember correctly, you press enter when done editing, and then
> press "b" to boot.
> Let us know if this helps, and if so this change can be made in the GRUB
> config so that it sticks.
> --
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