Unable to access or detect second harddrive

David Park bornskilled200 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 11 23:07:01 UTC 2007

Ok i checked my harddrive and this is what i got

The IDE one (Media storage+the problem) has the pin saying that it is
a master and also has a slave(cd-rom).
The SATA one (windows+linux) has no pins and only connected to itself
and the motherboard.

On Nov 11, 2007 5:51 PM, Rapael Morcha <raphael.morcha at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 11, 2007 at 04:44:23PM -0500, David Park wrote:
> > I tried
> > sudo dmesg | grep sdb
> > and got nothing..... is that supposed to mean something?
> Assuming your first drive is sda[1/2/3], the second should be sdb[1/2/...] and third one sdc[1/2/..] and so on. The problem is that your system from the beginning (i.e., when kernel started booting) didn't pick up sdb[1/2/...] at all. There is something going on beyond Linux's hand. Maybe check your primary/secondary slave pin at the back of second hard disk?
> Could possibly be that the driver for your disk isn't loaded/supported (I am guessing Linux kernel have pretty solid support for SCSI disks. :S )
> At this stage can't help you my friend. Goodluck if you do find a cure for your disease. #_#
> --
> Cheers,
> Raphael.
> --
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