How to filter search results in a google or yahoo searchengine result list

niel bqz69 at
Sun Nov 11 15:15:23 UTC 2007

Sometimes when I search  help in this mailing list, mostly in google or yahoo, 
I get a list of results consisting of for example 39 pages of 100 results on 
each page.

Anybody know about a program, which you can use to search the whole list, and 
then abstracting only the important parts (containing your keywords), so your 
list end up much smaller.

To go through a list of some 39 pages is a fairly impossible task, I find, may 
take hours.

For the time being, I have started using the scrapbook program, using 
the "merge" function (open each page, capture the page, one at a time and 
then merge all 39 captured pages and then search using the "ctrl+f" search 
function  - but it is a fairly complex procedure, especial when you are 
searching a lot for ubuntu problems.

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