DNS server syncing...

Blaž Repas linux at bss.si
Fri Nov 9 12:44:58 UTC 2007

I have a network setup shown in the attached *.txt file below.
I want to sync my app web server's DNS (webapp.td domains) to Primary 
DNS (hosting domains + synced webapp.td domains) and then this one to my 
secondary DNS server (all domains)...

Does anyone know of a good dns setup (maybe zone transfers or something 
like that).

To describe my setup:

I have a WEB server wich has it's own DNS server. I want to install 
another DNS server any sync all domains from WEB server to sec.dns 
server. But I also have an APP web server which has its own DNS server 
for 1 domain and it's subdomains. Now i want to sync this one to the WEB 
server's DNS which is later synced to my Sec. DNS server.

Thanx for any answers...

                                               Secondary DNS server for 
all domains.
                      \ net./                                            
                      |DNS syncing
|for all
                         |  |p:80,53,SMTP,...                          
                         |   \_______ Primary WEB server ( Hosting ) // 
Primary DNS server
                         |           domains: 
                         |p:445,81                                        |
|                                                |DNS syncing
               Secondary web server ( WEB apps )                  |for 
               with DNS server for domains: ----------------------- 
               webapp.td, app1.webapp.td,...

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