Help, everything on the screen is blue!

Alex Janssen alex at
Thu Nov 8 02:59:05 UTC 2007

Ashley Benton said the following on 11/06/2007 01:59 PM:
> Hi,
> I was trying to copy some pictures from a cd to my desktop, the 
> pictures were on the desktop but I had boxes which told me that they 
> were copying the images. After a while I tried to cancel and close the 
> boxes but nothing to do so I rebooted the computer. It usually makes 
> everything come back and close the application that I am not sure how 
> to kill. When I came back to the computer I had only a black screen, 
> so I unplug it, used the excuse to put the nvidia card back in it and 
> turn it back on. It had trouble getting to the regular desktop, long, 
> very long before it works and now everything is blue. I had this card 
> installed before and working without problem and I did exactly what I 
> did when I put it in first, so I am not sure it comes from the card, I 
> think it has something to do with the pictures I was trying to copy 
> and open as they were made by a windows machine, can somebody tell me 
> where I would need to look to find out what is messed up in the 
> computer and how?
> The applications seem to be working OK but when I do ls -l I don't 
> have the name of the file listed anymore, only the autorization, 
> owner, group, size, date, and hours, very few files still have a name, 
> but if I open my home everything is ok, the name are still here! Must 
> have done something but I don't know what.
> Thank you
> Meg
What video card did you have in before you put the nvidia card back in?
Maybe you should try putting that other card back in and see if your 
video is Ok.


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