Wiring for ADSL
Miano, Steven M.
Steven.Miano at mybrighthouse.com
Wed Nov 7 14:10:16 UTC 2007
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ubuntu-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com [mailto:ubuntu-users-
> bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Brian McKee
> Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 3:41 PM
> To: Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions
> Subject: Re: Wiring for ADSL
> Hash: SHA1
> Yes - cat5 or better works fine as phone cable if you ignore the
> extra wiring. Sometimes it's cheaper too. But it's hardly 'required'
> On 6-Nov-07, at 3:08 PM, Justin Gruenberg wrote:
> > Shouldn't you just use standard Cat-3 wire? Or better yet, Cat-5e
> > or Cat-6?
> >
> > On 11/6/07, Brian McKee <brian.mckee at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Yep, I'd go for the 'solid wire' phone line rather than braided
> >> wire if this is a permanent install.
> >
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You can not use UTP/STP interchangeably with phone lines, a phone line has 4 wires, UTP/STP has eight wires twisted, it is physically impossible, unless you cut and tip the Ethernet yourself with an RJ-11 instead of an RJ-45 which seems way above this users level.
The DSL modem should allow an input cable (which will be a telephone line), and the output from the DSL modem to the computer will be an Ethernet/LAN/Cat-5, or Cat-5e cable. The output from the DSL modem then connects to your computer. This is how it would look:
Phone Jack -----DSL Modem======Computer
On all your other devices is will go like this:
Phone Jack ------filter------home phone
Phone Jack ------filter------fax machine
Phone Jack ------filter------any other phones
Where the single dash is phone line, and the double dash or equal sign is networking cable/Ethernet cable/Cat-5 or Cat-5e cabling.
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