Choosing a distribution

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Mon Nov 5 19:59:41 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-11-05 at 19:40 +0000, Chris G wrote: 
> So what does Ubuntu Server give me (or lose me) that the other Ubuntus
> don't?

See esp. the 3rd hit, Ubuntu Server guide.

> There is, once you've become root you can issue lots of commands as
> root rather than prefixing everything you do with sudo.

There is sudo -i and sudo -s, but please see as I will not be available
24/7 if you wreck your system ;)

> I guess it's just habit, having been a Unix user since the 1980s I
> find the 'old fashioned' way of becoming root more comfortable.  :-)

I thought everyone using Unix since the eighties has at least once
bungled a command line and wrecked his system by needlessly running as
root. I know I have.

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