Setting MPlayer to handle WMV files in Firefox

Jonathan Kaye jdkaye10 at
Mon Nov 5 15:59:03 UTC 2007

Annoym wrote:

> Thanks for the help.  It seems that both xine player and mplayer can
> play videos from, but neither can play them at full screen.
> Funny, as I can't seem to get in full screen either.
> On Mon, 2007-11-05 at 09:26 +0100, Jonathan Kaye wrote:
>> Daniel George Pevny wrote:
1. Please don't top post.
2. If you can play the videos in FF with the Windows Media Player Plugin,
then while the video's playing, right-click on the video window to get the
plugin menu and copy the video url. You can then paste that address into
vlc, kaffeine or some other player and get full screen.
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