adding an application to a live CD

Chris Jones jonesc at
Sun Nov 4 15:38:14 UTC 2007


On Sun, 2007-11-04 at 10:12 -0500, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
> I have an application I would like to demonstrates to a variety of customers and 
>    the cost of installing it at every site is pretty high (for a demonstration) 
> I would like to demonstrate it on a live CD (especially since I'm hoping to show 
> them the advantages of ubuntu) and "add-on" the application from some external 
> media like a flash thumb drive or a totally blank hard drive. 

Have you thought about making your own live CD ? See for instance

Never tried it myself, so cannot comment on how easy it is, but if it
does what you said you could simply(?) rebuild a live CD, with your
custom application included. No need for some other external device.
Just a thought.

>  I'm also hoping 
> that I can just make the application available on the net for anyone to download 
> and try and out rather have them download a small package rather than a whole 
> new CD image.

You then could make a XXX.deb for it (Possibly also needed for the above
live CD step).


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