What USB port am I connected to?

John Dangler jdangler at terremark.com
Fri Nov 2 04:24:01 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-11-02 at 00:05 -0400, Alex Janssen wrote:
> I want to communicate with a serial device over the USB that is not a
> recognized device.  It is a PLC(programmable logic controller). How do
> I
> tell which USB device file to open?  i.e.; /dev/bus/usb/002/001 or
> 002... .  Is there a way to tell what I'm plugged into?  Is there a
> howto for programmers?

2 ways that I know of....
plug in the device
go to a terminal, type dmesg and look at the last output...
lsusb should also give you some indication 

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