Would like to have info on voice addition to IM clients.

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 1 19:40:19 UTC 2007

On 11/01/2007 09:22 AM, Ashfaq Shaikh wrote:
> I have downloaded and installed Gutsy about 15 days back. After the initial
> fears I had very well settled and happy without windows interface except for
> the voice messengers like yahoo and Google talk which I used extensively in
> windows for voice chatting.

Check the archives - I seem to recall there were msgs relating to Yahoo
voice etc.

> I am sure linux too is competable, and not lagging behind, but I dont know
> where to find the info or the how to to get the voice chat enable in linux.
> Kindly help me out with the available information for this. All my other
> multimedia problems for Audio video have been solved except this one, and
> the the other is Lexmark Z513 printer!

Someone just gave my son a lexmark & I found that all you need to do is
download the lexmark driver from Lexmark (CJLZ35LE-CUPS-2.0-1.TAR.GZ),
then unpack. Use the archive manager to unpack the ppd file in the
data.tar.gz file.

The ppd file (Lexmark-Z35-lxz35cj-cups.ppd) is all you actually need.
Then, copy that ppd file into /etc/cups/ppd. Now when you bring up
System|Administration|Printing you'll be able to select your printer driver.

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