Sun Java in Gutsy?

Knute Johnson knute at
Thu Nov 1 03:52:37 UTC 2007

>>Knute Johnson wrote:
>>>> Knute Johnson wrote:
>>>>> This was really simple in 7.04 but I can't get it to work in 7.10.  
>>>>> How do I install the Sun JDK and associated stuff?  apt-cache doesn't 
>>>>> see the packages.  Something isn't set up right but I don't know 
>>>>> what.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>> The Java packages are in multiverse.  Do you have it enabled?
>>> I know that and no I don't think I do or it would show up somewhere.  
>>> I found a web page that had some lines for the sources.list file and 
>>> I added those but it didn't work.
>>> I would appreciate as detailed an explanation as you could give me.
>>> Thanks,
>>The relevant lines from my sources.list.  Note that these may only have 
>>"universe" or be commented out with #'s.  The first two should match 
>>your other lines as to source URL and all should be "gutsy" rather than 
>>deb feisty universe multiverse
>>deb feisty-backports main 
>>restricted universe multiverse
>>deb feisty-security universe multiverse
>>Sorry to be pedantic but too much info is better than not enough...  :@)
>Thanks Wulfmann, I'll try it and post back.

It still doesn't work so I'm going to go off to something else and 
come back when I have more time to mess with it.

Thanks very much for the help.

Knute Johnson
Molon Labe...

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