ATI of nVidia?

Scott Lockwood scott at
Mon May 28 04:23:47 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-05-28 at 00:06 -0400, Matthew Flaschen wrote:
> Tony wrote:
> >  Intel works out of the box in most cases thanks to excellent Linux 
> > support recently for which they really should be commended.
> Moreover, they're the only one so far with a serious commitment to
> libre/open source drivers. 

Which, sadly, don't enable you to play many games, or use cool things
like beryl in any kind of real time, or even dork around with things
like Second Life. As much as I hate the way ATI and nVidia work, Intel
doesn't seem to be interested in making a really good 'performance'
chipset, at least not the ones built into most common laptops.

Intel: Great for work, terrible for fun.
Scott Lockwood

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