
Phil Pinkerton pcpinkerton at
Wed May 23 22:04:19 UTC 2007

What I did right after I sent the email was I copied all the current
feisty lines in my sources list and replaced the feisty with gutsy, then
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

apt-update grabbed the repositories ( which don't exist ...wink ...wink )
and apt-get upgrade is currently still running.

I will let you know how it goes.

Carsten Aulbert wrote:
> Phil Pinkerton wrote:
>> I would like to install Gutsy (update from feisty fawn) for testing.
>> Where can I get it. ?
> Well,
> [intentional pause]
> since there is no real installer, I guess you would install feisty,
> change all occurrences of feisty to gutsy (in /etc/apt/sources.list) run
> aptitude update
> aptitude upgrade
> aptitude dist-upgrade
> and try to reboot
> If you are very very lucky, you system might boot again fine. The last
> time I checked gutsy had a 2.6.22 kernel image - a kernel which is not
> even declared stable on That among many many other reasons I
> would advise you not to try it at all.
> If you really must, have it your way, but be warned.
> Otherwise I would wait at least until the first alpha version is out.
> Whatever they will call it this time :)
> Carsten

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