awk and filenames with spaces.....

David Koski david at
Mon May 21 14:59:47 UTC 2007

I don't know about awk but this works although there is probably a better

unzip -qql \
	| while read line; \
	do name=$(echo $line \
	| sed 's/^[^      ]*[     ]*[^    ]*[     ]*[^    ]*//'); \
	echo $name; done


On Monday 21 May 2007 02:19, Chris Malton wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use awk in combination with unzip -l to list all the
> filenames in a zip archive.  The problem comes when there's a apce in
> the filename, as unzip uses spaces as separators.  How can I get awk to
> print from a particular index onwards?  Something like printing all
> fields higher than index 4, for example.
> Any ideas how?
> Chris

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