Can't play MP3s?

James Takac p3nndrag0n at
Mon May 21 00:17:17 UTC 2007

On Monday 21 May 2007 00:53:14 Michael Satterwhite wrote:
> Since installing feisty, I can no longer play MP3s. I've installed the
> Ubuntu restricted package - which I thought brought in the extra codecs.
> If I try to play an MP3, amarok says that it can't play MP3s. There is a
> button to install MP3 support - but it can't be used. The window asking if
> MP3 support should be installed locks solid, and neither of the buttons are
> active. The window itself cannot be closed - and the only way to get it off
> the screen is to go to a console window and kill amarok.
> What do I need to do to be able to play MP3s in Feisty?
> ---Michael

Hi Tia

From memory I think you need the LAME codec to play mp3's. I kinda cheated 
with the codecs on my systems. Do a quick google for automatix and follow the 
link and instructions for the feisty version. You can install pretty much all 
the codecs you'd need painlessly from there


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