[Feisty] Install LAMP server on Desktop install

Roger Neth Jr baypos at gmail.com
Sat May 19 00:13:16 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-05-18 at 17:05 -0700, NoOp wrote:
> I'm sure that this has been discussed here previously - I just can't
> seem to find the thread. So I'll ask anew.
> Background: I have a spare test machine and have yet attempted to play
> with the Ubuntu LAMP server install. I'm doing a fresh install now (for
> learning purposes) but as it goes through it's install paces I wonder:
> - I had a previously working test Desktop install (7.04) on the drive. I
> don't mind wiping out that install and installing LAMP; but is there an
> easy way that I could/should have just installed the LAMP software on
> the Desktop system (other than apt-get install apache etc)? I know that
> I can (supposedly) go the other way; install LAMP then add the desktop.

Hello again, NoOP, 

I actually have a Feisty desktop running and installed all the LAMP
packages and using webmin without a problem.

I'm sure there will be comments on the security of running a desktop as
a server but as with you is for test purposes and learning the LAMP
programs working from GUI.

There was a thread on the Ubuntu forums on this but I could not find it
again. It gave all the steps to set this up.



Revelation 7:9

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