Unable to install 6.06 and 7.04 on HP Compaq nx6120 laptop

Michael Smith smithm at netapps.com.au
Fri May 18 13:08:45 UTC 2007

This machine had windows on it when I bought it.

Starting the 7.04 live CD/installer causes a freeze during startup.
Something about a Gnome daemon not starting.
The xubuntu 7.04 installer freezes while detecting partitions at about 14% done
The ubuntu 6.06 installer freezes while moving from step 1 to step 2

NetBSD installs perfectly, no problems, so it isn't something really basic about this machine.

I deleted all partitions and repeated the xubuntu installation with the same result. I did this because I suspected it hung while trying to re-size an NTFS partition.

Any suggestions would be welcome. I have googled around for other examples of this problem but nobody else has seen this.

Thanks in advance.
Michael Smith
Network Applications
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