Installing .deb packages with apt-get

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Thu May 17 20:53:27 UTC 2007

On Thu, 17 May 2007 22:00:21 +0300
"Dotan Cohen" <dotancohen at> wrote:

> I suppose that I'm still
> paranoid from all the times that yum has screwed up because I did not
> double check what it was doing.

My experience has been that apt-get and aptitude do not screw up.

Of course, if you do risky things like adding 3rd party repositories, or
using the wrong ones, you can confuse the issue - but that is not apt's

In general apt is amazingly robust - which is not too surprising, since it
is a very mature program, and Debian policy ensures that the repositories
are well set up ( this applies to Ubuntu policy, too)

In other words, I would not transfer paranoia from another program/distro
to apt/aptitude.


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