LDAP: Hangs during login under X

Brian Fahrlander brian at fahrlander.net
Thu May 17 16:23:32 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

H.S.Rai wrote:
> I am trying to setup LDAP for authentication purpose. For that I
> installed NFS-kernel-server, openLDAP (slapd), phpLdapAdmin, samba,
> NSCD on server machine.
> I can create user for LDAP, which I can login from the server in text
> as well as in graphics mode, and working fine. But from remote machine
> graphic login hangs, but login through console is working fine.
> I have installed nfs-common, libnss-ldap, libpam-ldap, and both server
> and client are running on Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper).
> How can I solve this problem, which log file should I see? Is there
> any possibility of bug in dapper which is having LTS?

    The server should tell the tale; seems like it was in /var/log/slapd
(but it depends on what's in slapd's configuration).

    I've not had this problem...are you running NSCD?

    My install doesn't touch Samba; I just don't have a use for it,
here. But feel free to contact me, off list, if you'd feel more
comfortable that way.

- --
 Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
 Evansville, IN                              http://Fahrlander.net/brian
 ICQ: 5119262                         AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller
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