problem installing kubutn 7 on hp nc 8430
James Takac
p3nndrag0n at
Wed May 16 22:58:39 UTC 2007
On Thursday 17 May 2007 00:35:46 Luca Ferrari wrote:
> Hi all,
> I cannot install a kubuntu 7.03 from the cd to a compaq nc 8430 with a ati
> mobility radeon x1600. The boot starts but when it's time to switch to X a
> black screen stays there. The system is alive, and I can switch to virtual
> text consoles thru ALT+Fn. The kubuntu 6.1 cd starts well and shows me the
> GUI, so what about the newer version? I've tried to start specifying noacpi
> and nolacpi but nothing changed, and I've also tried to specify a different
> screen resolution.
> Any suggestion?
> Thanks,
> Luca
Hi Luca
I take it you've enabled nvidia drivers?
If so, use CTRL ALT F1 to get to a console and edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf
file. Where nvidia is listed as your driver replace with vesa. That'll get
your screen back but no 3d acceleration alas. There is a prob on some systems
with the install script for nvidia drivers as I have found. Apparently the
solution (for some) is to completely remove the niviaa driver from ubuntu and
then install the binary from
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