Installing Ubuntu

Brian Fahrlander brian at
Wed May 16 05:27:36 UTC 2007

NoOp wrote:

> I gave up on Live CD's at Dapper. My equipment is so old & slow that the
> Live CD's would *always* fail. Now I only use Alternate CD's and all is
> well.  I also found that even attempting to run a Live CD on a
> 650Mhz/256MB or 450Mhz/256MB is next to impossible... unless of course
> you have the patience of Job and don't mind watching things in slow
> motion. Compare the Knoppix Live CD next to an Ubuntu Live CD on old &
> slow is like watching NASCAR vs paint dry.  I highly recommend trying
> 7.04 from the alternate CD.

     Thank God it's not just me.  :)

     I'll give THAT a try, ASAP, thanks so much!

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