Installing Ubuntu

Brian Fahrlander brian at
Wed May 16 05:26:03 UTC 2007

debian wrote:

>>      As an irony, I'm sitting in my van, at work, having booted Dapper 
>> (becase a similar Feist Live CD didn't boot) listening to all the 
>> streaming audio, and all audio sounding like they're breathing helium.  :)
>>      I'm on a Netvista, which apparently uses the piix module, and the 
>> live CDs always fail.  If I were to get, perhaps and alternate disk, 
>> maybe such documented bugs would be fixed, and I could at least TRY feisty?
> well, like we said in the previous posts, if the cd burner isnt working
> or you dont have any cd's to burn (and your extremely cheep like me),
> you can get the free cds from the ubuntu website (free of shipping costs
> too :) )

     Nope, new DD burner, and it burns Fedota CDs (to my chagrin) that does Voyager and IPCOP. It's Feisty and Edgy Live CDs- there 
are bug reports.

     I'll be getting the alternate, tonight!  :)

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