Shell Scripting Help

Nils Kassube kassube at
Tue May 15 06:12:14 UTC 2007

Ghodmode wrote:
> # Let the shell do the basic math instead of calling an external
> program

I like your logic, although I'd say "Better let date do the math instead 
of writing a faulty script" :)

> if [ $DAY -eq 0 ]; then
>     MONTH=$(( MONTH - 1 ))
>     [ $MONTH -eq 0 ] && $MONTH = 12

E.g. the last line should be

    [ $MONTH -eq 0 ] && MONTH=12 && YEAR=$(($YEAR - 1))

but this is untested, so it might be faulty as well.

> On 5/15/07, Nils Kassube <kassube at> wrote:
> > How about this one?
> echo "1 day ago was: $(date -d yesterday '+%m %d %Y')"
> Thanks, Nils.. I didn't know date had that argument :)

That's the beauty of the date command -- it understands many verbose 
descriptions of the date / time to display. Meanwhile i think it would 
have been more consistent to write the command like this:

echo "1 day ago was: $(date -d '1 day ago' '+%m %d %Y')"


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