
Davide Corio davide.corio at redomino.com
Sun May 13 14:20:53 UTC 2007

Il giorno dom, 13/05/2007 alle 11.10 +0100, norman ha scritto:
> You have tried to help me recently, for which I am grateful. However, so
> far, we have had no success. Perhaps it is because the instructions you
> are giving me are for a version of Ubuntu which I do not have. I run
> Ubuntu 6.10 and expect to continue using it for some time. 

the procedure is the same as in feisty, you just have to change the path
for the firmware

eg: /lib/firmware/2.6.17-xxx

Davide Corio                                davide.corio<at>redomino.com
Redomino S.r.l.                 Largo Valgioie 14 - 10146 Torino - Italy
Tel: +39 011 7499875 - Fax: +39 011 3716911     http://www.redomino.com/

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