Antivirus program for ubuntu feisty amd64
debiani386 at
Thu May 10 12:35:38 UTC 2007
Gilles Gravier wrote:
Gilles, i agree with you, but some people who use linux for business
purposes will need things like firewalls and antivirus to keep there
systems secure.
i know that linux doesnt need antivirus because it cant run windows
programs, but there are linux viruses out there. here are a few of them:*linux*unix*viruses*/*Linux*_Unix_*Viruses*.htm
I also know that you dont really need a firewall for linux, but linux
isnt 100% perfect and hackers can find holes in linux. but the nice
thing is that those holes get patched.
> You DON'T need an antivirus on Linux.
> The only valid reason for which you might WANT an antivirus is if you
> Linux machine is serving files via, for example, SMB, to a Windows
> network. In that case, the antivirus can be used to check files that
> are stored on the server for Windows viruses.
> At this moment, there are no significant viruses active on Linux.
> Gilles.
> Munip Ober wrote:
>> Hello
>> I use Ubuntu feisty 64 bit(amd64) version.
>> What antivirus program can I install?
>> Thanks for helping.
>> Munip
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