Google Earth for Linux

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at
Sun May 6 21:17:30 UTC 2007

su, 2007-05-06 kello 12:49 +0200, Vladimir Kerka kirjoitti:

> Hi,
> I've installed both packages (on AMD 64), but Google Earth doesn't work: 
> it starts, eats 99% CPU and that's all. Can you give me a hint what to do?

When you ask quetions like this, you should always give all the
information that might be related to the matter. Otherwise it's not easy
for others to help. Sometimes you may not know what is important, but
just give your best shot then :-)

Are you using Edgy or Dapper? 

Just to make sure - did you use the amd64 (not i386) package? 

What graphics card do you have? If you have an Nvidia card, you should
install the proprietary nvidia driver. The default nv driver doesn't
support OpenGL, which is what Google Earth uses. The default Ati driver
has some level of OpenGL support, but this depends on the card you have.

If you start Google Earth from the command line, do you get any error
messages there?



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