Ubuntu-Destop and Screen Resolution Problem

debiani386 debiani386 at gmail.com
Fri May 4 21:33:19 UTC 2007

Don Don wrote:
> Hi all,
> After installing ubuntu-desktop, it complains that it cannot use a 
> desktop resolution of more than 1024 X 768 when my hadware supports a 
> max of 1280 X 1024.
> I've installed ubuntu server to a copy of the same pc and that accepts 
> the max resolution without problems
> How can I make ubuntu-desktop use a resolution more than 1024 X 768 ?
> Cheers
first off, does ubuntu detect your monitor correctly? You may have to 
use a custom monitor (supplied with ubuntu). This custom monitor works 
on my machine. But i noticed that when i plug it in to my 15-inch 
monitor, it only displayes at 640X480, but when i use it on my 12-inch, 
it displays at 1024x768. I looked and noticed that it was using custom 
monitor driver and that it didnt have the drivers for neither one of my 

HTH and correct me if im wrong
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