creating .iso cd-image file of a local cdrom

Thomas Kempkes thomas at
Fri May 4 11:31:34 UTC 2007

Tomoki Taniguchi <tomoki.taniguchi at> wrote:
> I want to create an .ISO image backup of a cd
> inserted into a local cdrom drive.

OK, I expect you to know the device file of the cd drive.

> can someone tell me the simplest way to
> to create an ISO image file?

A simple "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cdrom.iso" should do the trick.
If it is too slow you may try to add a "bs=1m" or something to speed it

> I prefer a console option, but also curious about any
> GUI tools that may be available as well.

> TIA,
> Tomoki Taniguchi

BYe Thomas

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