Ubuntu Server and Desktop on the same pc ?

Brad Johnson brad at bkjohnson.com
Thu May 3 13:32:49 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-05-03 at 10:11 +0200, Rutger van Haasteren wrote:
>         You could dual-boot both the server and desktop installation
>         but since
>         it's a laptop and you said you wanted the desktop installation
>         the 
>         answer to your question is to just reinstall the desktop
>         installation
>         over your current server installation.
> That is hardly necessary. Just install the desktop with "sudo apt-get
> install ubuntu-desktop" as David suggested, and you're good to go.
> Remember: the server edition just has other packages installed than
> the desktop edition. With the apt-get command you will install the
> missing desktop ones. 
> Rutger

There are Kernel differences in the server installation. Some may be
good differences but it can't be guaranteed that he'll have ALL the
hooks, bells & whistles of the normal desktop installation & Kernel just
by installing the Ubuntu Desktop package.

I've done the very thing your suggesting with a Sun Blade 100
Workstation. I had to install the server installation as that is all
that is/was supported for the SPARC Architecture. The user is asked many
configuration questions during the installation of packages which are
not asked by the ubuntu desktop installer.


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