Ubuntu Server with LTSP in real life

Michael T. Richter ttmrichter at gmail.com
Sat Mar 31 01:05:36 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-30-03 at 03:37 -0500, Brian Fahrlander wrote:

>     Second, Paul, that's very cool; I started in LTSP back when
> Etherboot had just changed over, probably about 1996-97. I had 12 users
> running old tired 486's in a lumber yard, and only a couple of things
> caused me grief:

Aren't diskless workstations just another word for "single point of
massive failure"?  I've never understood the appeal in this day and age
where you can get old P/P2 (and even P3) hardware complete with disk for
a song and a dance.  What am I missing?

Michael T. Richter <ttmrichter at gmail.com> (GoogleTalk:
ttmrichter at gmail.com)
We should sell bloat credits, the way the government sells pollution
credits. Everybody's assigned a certain amount of bloat, and if they go
over, they have to purchase bloat credits from some other group that's
been more careful. (Bent Hagemark)
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