OpenOffice 2.2 Released - Ubuntu?

NoOp glgxg at
Sat Mar 31 00:18:25 UTC 2007

On 03/30/2007 05:29 AM, Felipe Figueiredo wrote:
> On Friday 30 March 2007 01:04:15 NoOp wrote:
>> OOo 2.2 has just been released today: 
>> Any plans for updates using this version vs the 2.2(rc3) version?
>> Or are they the same?

Updated today to 2.2 final - thanks Matthias & team :-)

>> As an added point - why are the Dapper and Edgy versions so far
>> behind 2.2?
> This is never asked/answered too many times, is it? Dapper is LTS, so
> it must be stable in the sense of a non-changing environment. This
> means packages will retain their version whenever possible, and only
> security packages backported. So for the next two years, all Dapper
> installations will remain with the same version of every package
> (except on the exceptions, of course).

I see. So *that* is the reason why it'll be stuck at 2.02 - thanks for
pointing that out...

The problem is resolved by uninstalling 2.0x and installing 2.1 or 2.2
directly from OOo. However, 2.02 came and went some time ago & it would
be nice to run 2.1 or 2.2 from the Ubuntu repositories in Dapper.

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