Upgrade to Feisty breaks FireHOL or possibly iptables

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at yandex.ru
Fri Mar 30 09:28:29 UTC 2007

Lorenzo Taylor wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> It would seem that the older iptables was able to accept the extra quote
> marks whereas the new version does not.  FireHOL is broken in Feisty
> even with its original scripts with no modifications.  The problem is
> that it seems FireHOL is imported directly from Debian rather than being
> maintained by MOTU. So do I need to file a bug through Debian or can I
> file it in Launchpad? Also can anyone recommend a firewalling app with
> all the functionality and ease of use of FireHOL that isn't broken?

This is awful news!! Please file a bug report ASAP and hope it can be 
rectified. From what you said it works OK with Debian so it would only 
seem to be a problem with Ubuntu. Therefore I think Launchpad is best 
choice, but could file it on both for good measure.

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