Clone iMacs?

James Gray james.gray at
Wed Mar 28 00:33:19 UTC 2007

On Wed, 28 Mar 2007 03:12:28 am David Stubblebine wrote:
> I have one of our iMacs set up the way I want it for the school.  I
> imagine I can mount a hard drive via Target Disk Mode of the other iMacs
> at school on this source machine for a disk wipe and cloning.  Does Ubuntu
> (Edgy) have a built-in clone program?

Is the iMac running Linux or OSX?  If the latter then try Carbon Copy Cloner:

If it's running Linux, the there are a number of options:
cp -a

Read the man pages for the Linux options for more info.  There's also a good 
how-to here:

As always, the wisdom of Google reveals much:


She's genuinely bogus.
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