Comfortable partition size?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Sun Mar 25 16:34:36 UTC 2007

On 25/03/07, Vincent Trouilliez <vincent.trouilliez at> wrote:
> David Stubblebine <dstubb.mylists at> wrote:
> > I just put a roomy 120 GB drive in my Dell C800.  What is a
> > "comfortable" size for my ubuntu partition?
> > And can it be resized
> > later using ubuntu tools (i.e. without having to buy partition magic
> > later).
> > I know it's entirely up to what I am going to do with it - I am just
> > at the experimenting stage now.
> Yeah, it definitely depends on what you do with your machine.. but
> based on my experience I can still give a rough guide/ideas.
> - Put 10 or 15 GB for Windows XP, if you intend to install Windows
> "natively".
> - Put 5 to 10 GB for the "root" partition of Linux, plenty enough
> (Ubuntu takes about 2+ GB ) for you to install additional programs in
> the future, and for the system to breathe, and live its life in general.
> - Put 2GB for the swap partition, or more generally, make the swap
> partition twice as big as your RAM capacity. so you have 2GB of RAM,
> make the swap 4G, and so on.
> - use all the rest for the "/home" partition, which will hold your
> user data, this way you won't have to resize it, as it will already be
> using all the remaining space.

5 gigs is enough for a regular desktop, but if you plan on
'experimenting' or running apache, then put /var on a different
partition. In event of something erring or attempted breakin, /var/log
can get filled up rather quickly.

Dotan Cohen

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