
Jeffrey F. Bloss jbloss at tampabay.rr.com
Fri Mar 23 22:34:01 UTC 2007

John Dangler wrote:

> I know that dbDesigner4 is being taken over by mySQL as workbench, but
> workbench is god-awful to get working on Ubuntu.  Has anyone gotten
> dbDesigner4 working in Edgy?  I'd really like to know, since I need a
> tool to produce ERD's and reverse engineer a mySQL db, and dbd4 seems to
> be the only one around that is truly open source right now...

There's this...


There's another "Debian howto" linked from that page. It may or may not
be relevant. In my case I got DBD4 to fire up at least, after installing
two dependencies... libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 and libxft1. That's on an up
to date Edgy box with quite a bit of extra development stuff installed.

I could not connect to either of my two MySQL5 servers though, or even
keep it from core dumping when opening one of its "examples". That's
under either libmysqlclient15. or libmysqlclient14. I gave up rather
than trying to install libmysqlclient12 or 10 which are both in the
Universe repo if memory serves, so you may have better results if
you're willing to go that extra mile and fix up the libmysqlclient.so
symlink in ./Liblinux to point to one of those versions.

Best of luck. ;)

     _?_      Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
    (o o)         Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
-oOO-(_)--OOo------------------------------[ Groucho Marx ]---

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