Mounting questions

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Fri Mar 23 17:12:02 UTC 2007

On Mar 23, 2007, at 12:51 PM, Marius Gedminas wrote:

> Hi,
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2007 at 10:02:13AM -0400, Bart Silverstrim wrote:
>> When I plug in a USB device, it gets mounted using udev to, for
>> example, /dev/sdb1 to /media/usbdisk.  I can use pmount or umount to
>> mount and unmount it if necessary.
>> If I go to places->connect to server, then use it to create a
>> connection to a Windows share, I can open a Nautilus window to copy
>> to and from shares in another Nautilus window, but I can't find where
>> that share is mounted from the command line...what is going on?
> It is not mounted.  GNOME applications can access Windows shares  
> (and a
> few other things as well) without mounting them.

Well, that's somewhat confusing, isn't it? :-)

>> Is
>> there a way to tell it to mount the share on the filesystem so it's
>> command-line accessible?
> Not through Places -> Connect to server.
> I like autofs myself.  Install the 'autofs' package (with synaptic or
> with sudo apt-get install autofs), then edit (as root) /etc/ 
> auto.master,
> remove the # mark in front of the /smb line, then in a terminal window
> do sudo /etc/init.d/autofs restart

Thanks!  I installed it and seems to work well.  I'll have to  
remember that one!

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