iTune files

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Sun Mar 18 17:54:05 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-03-18 at 09:38 -0500, Chris wrote:
> The m4a format I can listen to under Amarok without issues. It's the
> m4p
> files (DRM's) that I can't convert or play.
> Granted, I tried using Jhymn (I think that's it) however, since I used
> iTunes 7+, Jhymn can't and won't work on my m4p's. Reason being, Jhymn
> works on m4p's that were purchased with iTunes v6 and below.
> At this point, I do have the whole 17 gig worth of my iTunes on DVD.
> I'll have to wait for some wizard out there to either come up with a
> version of iTunes that works under Linux, or wait for an app that will
> rid the m4p's of the protection. *Sigh*
In answered another posting in the same thread on March 10, maybe it
never reached you? Copying the older answer for your convenience:

On Sat, 2007-03-10 at 09:27 -0600, Chris wrote:
> Now - is there a play that will either allow me yo play those m4a
> files

> Then the million dollar question - is there a player
> that will allow me to play my purchase iTune music or convert to ogg
> (m4p format I think).

In general, follow the instructions at instead of using

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