Feisty breaks VMWare install

Ed Smits ed.smits at gmail.com
Sun Mar 18 17:04:43 UTC 2007

This worked for me as well. Simple solution, download the pre-built
modules he points to, run vmware-install.pl, stop, then copy both
module tarballs into /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/ (created by
vmware-install.pl), overwriting what is there, then continue with
vmware-config.pl which will work against the new module tarballs.

Since setting up vmware for the first time in Feisty this way all my
kernel updates have gone smoothly, all I need do is run
vmware-config.pl after a kernel update, no problems.



On 3/18/07, Chris Lemire <good_bye300 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I had the same problem. Here is a fix for it.
> http://icanthack.com/?p=53

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