UPDATE: Ubuntu Installs

Chris racerx at makeworld.com
Sun Mar 18 15:27:32 UTC 2007

Heya folks -

	All is going well on the move away from FreeBSD to Ubunto (for my
desktop, everyday PC). I'm lovin' the ease of my Ubuntu device.

	I went ahead and installed Ubuntu 6.10 server on one of my Ultra 10's
last night. That too was a piece of cake.

	I love the fact that it has so many base servers as a default. I plan
on using this device for development and edumacation :)

	On thing that I think might be of some use for the server install -
have openssh-server as an installed default (though no real issue using

	I'll keep y'all posted as time goes on. Oh btw, I wanted to also
comment on the new layout of the Ubuntu site and the documents - I like
the new design and I find navigating the documents to be easy.

	The content is much much better then I would have imagined or expected.
Well done Ubuntu Team!

Best regards,

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