Brian Fahrlander brian at
Fri Mar 16 08:17:54 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Patton Echols wrote:
> On 03/14/2007 04:26 PM, Arthur H. Johnson II wrote:
>> Tell you what, I felt pretty stupid when I finally solved that one!
>> I've been working with linux since 1996, and been employed as a Linux
>> professional since 1998.  That was a real "D'oh" moment in my life.
> You have no idea how reassuring it is for us "noobs" to know that we 
> arent the only ones to have D'oh moments!
> Thanks ;-)

    Yep; I've been in computing since late 1977...before Microsoft, for
example, wiring up Z80's in my bedroom until the wee hours. Computing
was FUN then; you owned your box- no one was trying their best to run
things on it to make you send spam, viruses, that sort of trash. And
when there was a bug, it was a bug- not a charade to make you pay more.

    Linux brings a lot from Unix; not just the code, but the culture,
too. Never forget that every "wizard" started out as a noob. And
Unix/Linux reminds each and every one of us that we were once there.
Don't feel bad- Linux is a really big place; it takes time to know your
way around.  The fact that we're discussing this on a free forum
dedicated to making things easier for us all is just one example.

    Happy computing!
- --
 Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
 Evansville, IN                    
 ICQ: 5119262                         AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller
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